XXX. Multimédia in Education Conference, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Human Research House, Budapest, 3 December, 2024

In 2024 XXX. The Multimedia in Education International Conference, organized by János Neumann Computer Science Society, Department of Multimedia in Education at Budapest in Human Research House. The aim of the professional event is to facilitate the contact of domestic and foreign professionals, PhD and higher education students working in various fields of education and research, the exchange of experiences and good practices, and the collection of credits related to certain fields of training and facilitate it to make the von Neumann heritage. The high-quality presentations will be internationally qualified and published, and the speakers will receive a special prize according to the call.

The languages of the conference are English and Hungarian.

Topics announced at the conference:
-   Space exploration and space activities in modern education
-   Neumann heritage and the education
-   Methodological, didactic and andragogical issues of the learning environment
-   Learning experience in the XXI. Century 
-   Multimedia in public education 
-   Life-based learning 
-   Personal knowledge or community knowledge
-   The intertwining of multimedia and scientific research
-   Application of multimedia in higher education and adult education
-   Technical changes in the learning environment
-    www-based courses, learning materials and interactive learning environments
-   mLearning, eLearning and its environment
-   Cloud services in education
-   Use of personal content and social media in education
-   Multimedia-hypermedia systems, information and communication centers in education
-   Virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality in education
-   Legal issues in education
-   Presentation of multimedia developments, results, applications
-   Telemedicine
-   Multimedia in music education
-   Results of museum education and multimedia
-   Sound designer training in education 
-   Challenges of Digital Music’s trainings 
-   Corporate education, competence development 
-   Communication tools and techniques of the future
-   Educate multimedia with 5G
-   Artificial Intelligence in Education
-   Application of multimedia in translation education
-   Multimedia in minority education
-   Multimedia in Hungarian studies

-   Drone technology education

Since the establishment of the department, 1,397 lectures have been given at its annual conferences, involving 1,903 authors. So far, more than 3,200 interested people have participated in the entire series of conferences.


Registration’s deadline:
24. 11. 2024 (24.00 - Sunday) - Registration page

28. 11. 2024 (24:00) - Sending a full-length publication


Template for abstract


Template for submitting a full-length article




XXX. Multimedia in education international conference planned program

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

09.00 – 10.00 – Technical registration of speakers
10.00 – 12.00 – Ceremonial opening, Plenary presentations, MMO prize distribution, relay handover
12.00 – 13.00 – Lunch break
13:00 – 15:00 – Section lectures
15.00 – 15.30 – Break
15:30 – 17:30 – Section lectures
17.30 – 18.00 – Closing of the conference (technical information, presentation of tender results, section awards, interesting facts, ceremonial closing)
18:00 – 21:00 – Welcome party

The NJSZT Multimedia in Education department was founded on April 19, 2007, and its legal predecessor was founded on May 28, 1999. Currently, more than 100 people are members of our department, which is managed by a 6-person board. Furthermore, the professional work is supported by a Professional Advisory Board, as well as Transylvania and Novi Sad Sections.

Multimedia in Education Department Chair